Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Raw Milk Cottage Cheese

I've been trading eggs for raw milk with a friend. She gives me a gallon of the milk for a dozen eggs and I never finish the milk before it goes bad. So, I started looking around for raw milk recipes. Today, I have a pitcher of milk "clabbering" on the counter (I think I just made that word up). It takes 24-48 hours for the bacteria to do its work. If you use pasteurized milk, it doesn't work this way because the milk is missing the bacteria that devours the lactose and causes the milk to clabber.

When I get home, I will put it on the stove, bring it up to about 80 degrees to separate the curds from the whey, and then I will drain it into a cheesecloth lined colander, and hang the cheesecloth over pot to make cottage cheese.

Hopefully I don't have any arachnid-like visitors when I sit down to try it.


  1. I love cottage cheese, but this sounds high-risk. Please don't get sick. I'm not sure how your belly would feel about your vomiting for the next 24 hours.

  2. No no no Ang - homemade cheeses are safe. People (including me) have been eating them for years and there's nothing wr-wr-wr-wr-wrong with them!!!

  3. I have made homemade cream cheese from 1% milk right out of the carton. Nothing added to it. Got the recipe from Relief Society years ago. It makes the best cheese cake.

  4. MMmmmmmm Kathy that sounds divine!! Mind sharing the recipe??? We'll try it out and do a spot on it!!

  5. I'm all for the cheesecake recipe... share please?!?
